Enkova E.V., Khoperskaya O.V., Enkova V.V., Karpova D.V. Prevalence of HPV in the population of women in the city
Voronezh. Questions of practical colposcopy. Genital infections. 2022; (4): 42–45.
DOI 10.46393/27826392_2022_4_42
Introduction. The incidence of cervical cancer in the Voronezh region, as well as throughout Russia, remains at a high level. The use of HPV testing as screening is a promising direction for improving the diagnosis of precancer and cervical cancer. Until recently, data on HPV infection were scattered and presented on limited samples due to the lack of HPV testing in the compulsory medical insurance system. Studying the prevalence of infection is an important component for correctly assessing the situation and increasing the effectiveness of measures taken in the fight against cervical cancer.
Objective: to study the prevalence of HPV infection and the frequency of occurrence of various types among the female population of the central region of Voronezh, as well as to assess the diagnostic sensitivity of the Kvant-15 and Kvant-21 test systems.
Material and methods. Using the HPV reagent kits Kvant-21 and Kvant-15, using equipment produced by DNA Technologies on the basis of the VGKP No. 1, PCR diagnostics of HPV was performed in 423 women living in the central region of Voronezh.
Results. The prevalence of infection with oncogenic types of HPV among women in the central region of Voronezh was 24.82%, of which 30.4% of women were infected with two or more types of the virus. Among HPV-positive patients, the highest frequency of detection of HPV type 16 was established; types 33, 53 and 58 were less common. The most common combinations of types: 58 and 53, 16 and 58, 45 and 82. Both test systems determined comparable prevalence of infection HPV.
Conclusion. Every fourth resident of the central district of Voronezh is infected with HPV, which indicates a potential risk of precancer and cervical cancer and requires immediate colposcopic examination, while 30.4% of women are infected with two or more types of the virus. Both test systems demonstrated equal diagnostic significance; the use of the Kvant-21 reagent kit is more convenient for assessing the true contribution of a specific HPV type to precancer and cervical cancer in a particular region. Further statistical analysis of infection rates and comparison with clinical data are needed to optimize the cervical cancer screening system.
Journal “Issues of practical colposcopy. Genital infections" No. 4_2022