A.O. Akhmadulina, O.S. Levin, M.G. Poluektov
For quotation:
Akhmadulina A.O., Levin O.S., Poluektov M.G. The phenomenon of akathisia: clinical characteristics, classification, differential diagnosis, treatment. Pharmacology & Pharmacotherapy. 2022; (2): 34–44.
DOI 10.46393/ 27132129_2022_2_34
Akathisia is one of the most difficult conditions to diagnose in neuropsychiatry. Despite the fact that it is one of the most common side effects of drugs that block dopamine receptors to varying degrees, akathisia is not always recognized by linicists. Such patients have difficulty describing their symptoms, creating additional difficulties for diagnosis and treatment. Akathisia is usually accompanied by extrapyramidal movement disorders (i.e., movement disorders that arise from damage to the corticospinal, or pyramidal, tracts, basal ganglia); is divided into acute, subacute, chronic, late, associated with drug withdrawal and pseudoakathisia. It is therefore not surprising that akathisia is typically either undiagnosed or misdiagnosed, which is a serious problem that can lead to adverse outcomes such as poor adherence to treatment, exacerbation of psychiatric symptoms, and in some cases, aggression, violence and suicide. The article discusses
some problems associated with the differential diagnosis of this condition, approaches to therapy, and its relationship with other neurological disorders.
Journal "Pharmacology & Pharmacotherapy" No. 2_2022
A.O. Akhmadulina, O.S. Levin, M.G. Poluektov
For quotation:
Akhmadulina A.O., Levin O.S., Poluektov M.G. The phenomenon of akathisia: clinical characteristics, classification, differential diagnosis, treatment. Pharmacology & Pharmacotherapy. 2022; (2): 34–44.
DOI 10.46393/ 27132129_2022_2_34
Akathisia is one of the most difficult conditions to diagnose in neuropsychiatry. Despite the fact that it is one of the most common side effects of drugs that block dopamine receptors to varying degrees, akathisia is not always recognized by linicists. Such patients have difficulty describing their symptoms, creating additional difficulties for diagnosis and treatment. Akathisia is usually accompanied by extrapyramidal movement disorders (i.e., movement disorders that arise from damage to the corticospinal, or pyramidal, tracts, basal ganglia); is divided into acute, subacute, chronic, late, associated with drug withdrawal and pseudoakathisia. It is therefore not surprising that akathisia is typically either undiagnosed or misdiagnosed, which is a serious problem that can lead to adverse outcomes such as poor adherence to treatment, exacerbation of psychiatric symptoms, and in some cases, aggression, violence and suicide. The article discusses
some problems associated with the differential diagnosis of this condition, approaches to therapy, and its relationship with other neurological disorders.
Journal "Pharmacology & Pharmacotherapy" No. 2_2022