M.D. Ter-Ovanesov, M.G. Venediktova, K.V. Morozova, A.E. Zykov, A.Sh. Khasan, Yu.A. Savina
For quotation:
Ter-Ovanesov M.D., Venediktova M.G., Morozova K.V. and others. Clinical observation of giant mucinous
ovarian carcinoma. Current issues of women's health. 2022; (1): 40–45.
DOI 10.46393/2713122Х_2022_1_40
According to modern data, ovarian cancer ranks 4th in the structure of incidence after breast, body and cervical cancer. The asymptomatic course of the disease in the early stages and the absence of pathognomonic diagnostic signs often cause delays in making the correct diagnosis. For this reason, ovarian cancer is detected mainly at stages III–IV. Due to the lack of population-based screening for ovarian cancer and the low compliance of patients with periodic preventive examinations, ovarian tumors are often first diagnosed at advanced stages of the process or when the tumor grows to a significant size.
Magazine "Current Issues of Women's Health" No. 1_2022
M.D. Ter-Ovanesov, M.G. Venediktova, K.V. Morozova, A.E. Zykov, A.Sh. Khasan, Yu.A. Savina
For quotation:
Ter-Ovanesov M.D., Venediktova M.G., Morozova K.V. and others. Clinical observation of giant mucinous
ovarian carcinoma. Current issues of women's health. 2022; (1): 40–45.
DOI 10.46393/2713122Х_2022_1_40
According to modern data, ovarian cancer ranks 4th in the structure of incidence after breast, body and cervical cancer. The asymptomatic course of the disease in the early stages and the absence of pathognomonic diagnostic signs often cause delays in making the correct diagnosis. For this reason, ovarian cancer is detected mainly at stages III–IV. Due to the lack of population-based screening for ovarian cancer and the low compliance of patients with periodic preventive examinations, ovarian tumors are often first diagnosed at advanced stages of the process or when the tumor grows to a significant size.
Magazine "Current Issues of Women's Health" No. 1_2022