Zakharov V.V. Post-Covid syndrome through the eyes of a neurologist // Behavioral neurology. 2021. No. 2.
pp. 14–22.
DOI 10.46393/2712-9675_2021_2_14_22
At least a third of patients with COVID-19 have neurological disorders in the acute and/or residual phase. Most often, asthenic and cognitive impairments, confusion, strokes, peripheral neuropathies, anosmia, dysgeusia, and pain syndromes are recorded. The most likely mechanisms of damage to the nervous system in COVID-19 are pathological immune reactions, cerebrovascular diseases due to coronavirus endothelialitis, and hypoxic brain injury; direct neurotropic effects are also discussed
virus. There is positive experience in the use of neuroprotective drugs in the treatment of asthenic and cognitive consequences of the new coronavirus infection.