E.A. Chulkova, N.V. Zarochentseva, O.V. Chulkova, L.K. Jijihia
For quotation:
Chulkova E.A., Zarochentseva N.V., Chulkova O.V., Dzhidzhikhiya L.K. Modern representations
on the carcinogenesis of squamous cell carcinoma of the vulva. Questions of practical colposcopy and genital
infections. 2022; (2): 44–49.
The article covers in detail the features of carcinogenesis of various types of squamous cell carcinoma of the vulva, the duration of the course and the potential for transition to cancer of two types of vulvar precancer: uVIN and dVIN, with an emphasis on comparison of standard and new diagnostic methods. Already known and new immunohistochemical markers, currently available for use in morphological practice, are considered, with the help of which new data on the development of pre-tumor and tumor processes of the external genitalia are obtained. An analysis of objective difficulties in diagnosing vulvar precancer, such as constant changes in classification, variety of clinical manifestations, and the need to involve doctors of other specialties, in particular dermatologists, is presented. Modern data and achievements of virology and molecular biology are reflected.
Journal “Issues of practical colposcopy. Genital infections" No. 2_2022
E.A. Chulkova, N.V. Zarochentseva, O.V. Chulkova, L.K. Jijihia
For quotation:
Chulkova E.A., Zarochentseva N.V., Chulkova O.V., Dzhidzhikhiya L.K. Modern representations
on the carcinogenesis of squamous cell carcinoma of the vulva. Questions of practical colposcopy and genital
infections. 2022; (2): 44–49.
The article covers in detail the features of carcinogenesis of various types of squamous cell carcinoma of the vulva, the duration of the course and the potential for transition to cancer of two types of vulvar precancer: uVIN and dVIN, with an emphasis on comparison of standard and new diagnostic methods. Already known and new immunohistochemical markers, currently available for use in morphological practice, are considered, with the help of which new data on the development of pre-tumor and tumor processes of the external genitalia are obtained. An analysis of objective difficulties in diagnosing vulvar precancer, such as constant changes in classification, variety of clinical manifestations, and the need to involve doctors of other specialties, in particular dermatologists, is presented. Modern data and achievements of virology and molecular biology are reflected.
Journal “Issues of practical colposcopy. Genital infections" No. 2_2022