Kamchatnov P.R., Mityaeva E.V., Chugunov A.V., Evzelman M.A.
For quotation:
Kamchatnov P.R., Mityaeva E.V., Chugunov A.V., Evzelman M.A. Small cerebral artery disease //
Behavioral neuroscience. 2021. No. 1. pp. 52–58.
DOI 10.46393/2712-9675_2021_1_52-58
Cerebral circulatory disorders are a wide range of diseases that differ in their pathogenesis, course and clinical manifestations. One of the forms of cerebrovascular pathology is small vessel disease (SVD), the distinctive feature of which is damage to the small vessels that supply blood to the brain. The pathophysiological basis of LMS is a combination of episodes of acute ischemia, microhemorrhages and progressive degenerative damage to the medulla. Main clinical manifestations
BMS are cognitive and affective disorders. The article discusses the issues of pathogenesis, clinical manifestations of BMS, and some aspects of the treatment of patients with BMS. Information is provided on the impact of coronavirus infection COVID-19 on the course of BMS.